Cloud Computing and Hosting

About the Module

Cloud Computing and Hosting is a rapidly growing field that is becoming increasingly important for businesses and organizations of all sizes. It allows them to store, manage, and process data and applications over the internet, rather than on their own physical servers. Learning Cloud Computing and Hosting at Code Academy Benin City can provide many benefits for aspiring developers.

One of the main reasons to learn Cloud Computing and Hosting is the increasing demand for cloud professionals. With more and more companies moving their operations to the cloud, the demand for individuals with cloud skills is rapidly increasing. Additionally, Cloud Computing and Hosting offers many job opportunities, with several different career paths such as Cloud Developer, Cloud Administrator, Cloud Solutions Architect, Cloud Security Engineer, and Cloud Operations Engineer.

Another advantage of learning Cloud Computing and Hosting is the flexibility and scalability that it offers. Cloud computing allows for easy scaling of resources, which means that businesses can add or remove resources as needed, without the need for expensive hardware or software upgrades. Additionally, Cloud Computing and Hosting allows for remote access and collaboration, which means that teams can work together from anywhere in the world, which is especially important in today's globally-connected world.

Furthermore, Cloud Computing and Hosting is an ever-evolving field, with new features, services, and technologies being introduced all the time. This means that there is always something new to learn and the opportunities for growth and advancement are endless.

In conclusion, learning Cloud Computing and Hosting at Code Academy Benin City can provide many benefits for aspiring developers. It offers many job opportunities, it allows for flexibility and scalability and it's an ever-evolving field with endless opportunities for growth and advancement. Furthermore, with the increasing demand for cloud professionals, learning Cloud Computing and Hosting can be an opportunity to acquire a skill that is in demand.

Module Information

Duration6 weeks




  1. Introduction to Cloud Computing: Overview of cloud computing concepts, services, and providers.
  2. Setting up a Cloud Environment: Installing and configuring the necessary software and tools to begin working with cloud providers.
  3. Cloud Storage and Databases: Covering the basics of cloud storage and databases, including options such as S3, Azure Blob Storage, and DynamoDB
  4. Cloud Computing Services: Explaining the use of cloud computing services such as AWS EC2, Azure Virtual Machines, and Google Compute Engine.
  5. Cloud Hosting and Deployment: Teaching the different options for hosting and deploying applications, such as AWS Elastic Beanstalk and Azure App Service.
  6. Cloud Networking and Security: Covering the basics of cloud networking and security, including options such as VPC, firewall rules and VPN.
  7. Cloud Management and Optimization: Showing how to manage and optimize cloud resources, including cost management, monitoring and scaling.
  8. Conclusion: Summarizing the main points of the course and providing resources for further learning.