Angular : Advance Frontend Framework

About the Module

Angular is a powerful, open-source framework for building web applications that is widely used by developers around the world. It is a versatile framework that allows developers to create complex, feature-rich web applications with ease. Learning Angular at Code Academy Benin City can provide many benefits for aspiring developers.

One of the main reasons to learn Angular is its ability to create scalable and maintainable web applications. Angular uses a component-based architecture, which makes it easy to organize and maintain large code bases. Additionally, it also uses TypeScript, a typed superset of JavaScript, which makes it easier to catch errors at compile-time and improve the development experience. This means that you will be able to create web applications that are easy to maintain and improve over time, which is especially important in today's fast-paced development world.

Another advantage of learning Angular is its ease of use. The framework has a rich set of features and tools that make it easy to create complex web applications. Additionally, Angular also has a growing ecosystem and a large community of developers who are constantly working to improve and expand the framework. This means that you will have access to a wealth of resources and support as you learn and grow as a developer.

Furthermore, Angular is widely used by many companies, this means that there will be more job opportunities for people who know Angular. Also, Angular is the framework of choice for building Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) which are web applications that can be installed on a user's device and work offline. PWAs are becoming more and more popular, so learning Angular can be an opportunity to acquire a skill that is in demand.

In conclusion, learning Angular at Code Academy Benin City can provide many benefits for aspiring developers. It allows you to create scalable and maintainable web applications, it is relatively easy to learn and it has a growing ecosystem and a large community of developers. Additionally, Angular is widely used by many companies, and it's the framework of choice for building Progressive Web Applications, which are becoming more popular, so learning Angular can be an opportunity to acquire a skill that is in demand.

Module Information

Duration1 month




  • Introduction to Angular
  • Components
  • Interpolations, Property Binding, Event Binding & Statements
  • Syntax Exploration: ngFor, ngIf, ngClass, ngStyle, ngSwitch
  • Services and Dependency Injection
  • Routing and Page Navigation
  • Forms & Validation
  • Directives
  • Using Pipes: Builtin & Custom pipes, Filtering
  • Promises
  • Server Communication: HTTP, Observables and Rx