Certificate in Full-Stack Web Development

About the Course

Full-stack web development is a valuable skill that is in high demand in today's job market. Code Academy Benin City offers a comprehensive full-stack web development program that covers all the key technologies needed to build modern web applications.

One of the key benefits of the program is that it covers both the front-end and back-end aspects of web development. This means that students will learn how to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create visually appealing and responsive user interfaces, and then they'll learn how to use technologies like React, Node.js, MongoDB, and Next.js to create the back-end logic and database interactions that make web applications functional.

Another benefit of the program is that it covers the latest technologies, such as React and Next.js. These technologies are widely used by industry professionals and are considered to be some of the most popular and in-demand skills for web development.

Additionally, Code Academy Benin City offers a practical and hands-on approach to learning, which allows students to gain real-world experience and build a portfolio of projects that they can show to potential employers.

In conclusion, learning full-stack web development at Code Academy Benin City is a great investment in your career. The program covers all the key technologies needed to build modern web applications, it uses the latest technologies, and it offers a practical and hands-on approach to learning.

Course Information

Duration6 months


LocationOnsite - 84, Mission Road. Benin City

Course Modules


  • Introduction to Web Development and the basics of HTML, CSS and Bootstrap
  • HTML: creating headings, paragraphs, links, images and more
  • CSS: styling, layout, responsive design
  • Bootstrap: creating responsive, mobile-friendly designs
  • Building a Website: putting it all together
  • Advanced topics: CSS Grid, Flexbox, HTML Semantics, Accessibility, Media Queries and basics of javascript with Bootstrap
  • Personal Project: students build their own project to showcase their skills
Duration: 1 month

# Module 2 - Javascript and Typescript

  1. JavaScript Fundamentals:
  • Basic syntax, data types, variables, control structures, and functions
  • Arrays, strings, and mathematical operations
  1. TypeScript Fundamentals:
  • Understanding the concept of type annotations and type inference
  • Building stronger and more scalable code
  • Understanding interfaces and classes
  1. JavaScript and TypeScript in Action:
  • Building JavaScript projects using TypeScript
  • Understanding the use of decorators and decorator pattern
  • Handling async operations in TypeScript
  1. TypeScript with popular frameworks:
  • Understanding how to use TypeScript with popular framework such as Angular, React, and Vue
  • Building web apps using TypeScript and those frameworks
  1. Best practices and advanced features:
  • TypeScript best practices and advanced features such as advanced types, mapped types, and pattern matching
  • Debugging and troubleshooting TypeScript code.
Duration: 1 month

# Module 3 - React.js : Advance Frontend Framework

  1. Introduction to React: Overview of the library, its features, and use cases for building user interfaces.
  2. Setting up a development environment: Installing and configuring the necessary software and tools to begin building apps with React.
  3. JSX and the Virtual DOM: Explaining the basics of JSX, the syntax extension for JavaScript, and how React uses the virtual DOM for efficient updates.
  4. Components and Props: Teaching how to create and organize the visual elements of an app, including components, props, and state.
  5. Introduction to Redux: Overview of the library, its features and use cases for managing the state of a React app.
  6. Data Flow and Event Handling: Showing how to manage the flow of data and handle events in a React application using Redux.
  7. React Hooks: Covering the basics of React Hooks and how they can be used to manage component state and side effects.
  8. Routing and Navigation: Introducing the basics of routing and navigation in a React application.
  9. Handling Forms and Validation: Covering different ways to handle forms and validation in React.
  10. Deploying and publishing: Showing how to build, test, and deploy a React application to a web server.
Duration: 2 month

# Module 4 - Introduction to Python

  • Introduction to Python and its environment
  • Basic syntax (variables, data types, loops, conditionals)
  • Basic functions and modules (print, math)
  • Data structures (lists, strings, dictionaries)
  • Control flow (if-else, for/while loops)
  • Object-oriented programming (classes, objects, inheritance)
  • Advanced features (decorators, generators, error handling)
  • File operations (read, write, CSV and JSON)
  • Python in web development and automation
Duration: 1 month

# Module 5 - MySQL Database

  1. Introduction to MySQL and relational databases.
  2. Setting up and configuring a MySQL server.
  3. Basic SQL syntax and data types.
  4. Creating and modifying tables, including data constraints and indexes.
  5. Retrieving data using SELECT statements and performing complex queries.
  6. Inserting, updating, and deleting data.
  7. Advanced SQL topics such as JOINs, subqueries, and stored procedures.
  8. Using the MySQL Connector for Python to connect and interact with a MySQL database in Python.
  9. Python libraries such as ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) to interact with the database.
  10. Project work: Students work on a personal project to showcase their skills.

This syllabus aims to cover the basics of MySQL, SQL and the integration of MySQL with python, which is valuable for web development and data analysis. By learning this, you'll be able to effectively manage and analyze data, with the added convenience of python.

Duration: 1 month

# Module 6 - Django Backend Framework

  1. Introduction to Django: Overview of the framework, its features, and use cases for building web applications.
  2. Setting up a development environment: Installing and configuring the necessary software and tools to begin building apps with Django.
  3. Fundamentals of Python: Covering basic concepts of Python, which is used in Django.
  4. Models and Database: Teaching how to create and manage data models and interact with a database using Django's ORM.
  5. Views and Templates: Showing how to handle requests and generate responses using views and templates.
  6. Forms and Validation: Introducing the basics of creating and handling forms, and validating user input.
  7. Authentication and Authorization: Covering the basics of user authentication and authorization in Django.
  8. Routing and URL Patterns: Explaining how to handle routing and URLs in a Django application.
  9. Deploying and publishing: Showing how to build, test, and deploy a Django application to a web server.
  10. Conclusion: Summarizing the main points of the course and providing resources for further learning.
Duration: 1 month

# Module 7 - Django Rest Framework

  1. Introduction to Django REST framework: Overview of the framework, its features, and use cases for building RESTful web services.
  2. Setting up a development environment: Installing and configuring the necessary software and tools to begin building RESTful web services with Django REST framework.
  3. Fundamentals of Django: Covering basic concepts of Django, which is used in Django REST framework.
  4. Serialization: Teaching how to serialize data and handle request and response formats using Django REST framework's serializers.
  5. Views and Routers: Showing how to handle requests and generate responses using views and routers in Django REST framework.
  6. Authentication and Permissions: Introducing the basics of user authentication and authorization in Django REST framework.
  7. Pagination and Filtering: Covering how to handle pagination and filtering of data in Django REST framework.
  8. Testing and Debugging: Explaining how to test and debug RESTful web services using Django REST framework's built-in tools.
  9. Deploying and publishing: Showing how to build, test, and deploy a Django REST framework application to a web server.
Duration: 1 month